some brief info about norec
Norec forms partnerships with organizations, institutions, and private businesses in Norway, Africa, Asia and Latin America to solve global problems based on local needs and conditions.
Norec is an executive body under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs that provides grants, training, and access to ideas and education with the goal of creating action steps for transformational results.
For more information about Norec, please visit its website here.
Our partnership
We are thrilled to partner with The Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (Norec).
Through our partnership with Norec, utilizing their mutual exchange model, we have collaborated with our partner Day Africa (formerly DEYI-K) in Nairobi, Kenya on entrepreneurship training and job placement activities.
Progressing into 2023
In 2023, in collaboration with DAY-Africa and financially supported by NOREC, two staff members from Inkululeko, Nomawethu Matiwana and Leandra Fobe visited DAY-Africa at Nairobi, Kenya. During this three month trip, they gathered knowledge on entrepreneurship, business ideas, mobilization/recruitment of participants, and leadership.
In exchange two DAY-Africa participants, Josephine Namayi and Emily Odihiambo came to Inkululeko to gain knowledge on academic support, social enterprise, management and administration. Additionally, they both took part in Intercultural Exchange Visits with Syracuse University and the University of Michigan. They also participated in Community Engagement Experiences during which they discussed entrepreneurship and youth empowerment in South Africa and the Business structures in the country respectively.

IN 2022
In 2022, Inkululeko focused on increasing the profitability of our revenue generating activities by offering additional Common Ground Cafe menu items, implementing ways to increase sales on Made in Mahkanda and Common Ground Cafe, training and recruiting parents to sell their goods with us, and using social media to attract buyers/supporters.
Inkululeko was able to successfully increase students' online learning modalities and positively impact those tutors who supported the remote program. Also, there was an increase in professionalism by staff and parents as they participated in seven different workshops for professional development such as coaching, budgeting, team building, psychosocial skills and NGO governance.

IN 2021
In an effort to improve our online tutoring services in 2021, we have acquired additional technical equipment to provide students with computers, an internet connection, and study materials. Since we suspended in person activities on March 17, 2020 we have also learned to use online platforms such as Google Meet, WhatsApp and Podio to collaborate with online tutors who continue to do an amazing job of helping our students continue their education. Another intended outcome of Inkululeko’s partnership with Norec is to increase youth-driven leadership and involvement through training youth to market and sell their art projects.
Common Ground Cafe is a safe and inviting place for young people that provides an opportunity for them to positively engage in the environment they live in, while learning valuable business skills that will serve them long after they leave Inkululeko. In 2021, we oversaw a course facilitated by Day Africa to teach entrepreneurship and business skills to parents in South Africa. Once trained, these parents receive a stipend and the opportunity to sell their goods at Common Ground Cafe. Eventually, these parents will pay rent to cover the expense of maintaining the cafe.
In addition to achieving positive results for our students, we intend to improve our collaboration, coordination, and leadership skills in partnership with Day Africa. Additional staff training in leadership skills, monitoring, evaluation research, learning, and communication will help us achieve this goal, along with the development of a digital platform for the organizations to learn job linkage skills. An improved sustainability model for both organizations will be realized through the production of local arts by youth to create income streams and the identification of new local and international partners for a sustainable future.
IN 2020
In January 2020, colleagues from Inkululeko traveled to Kenya and lived there for six months to learn social entrepreneurship skills at Day Africa’s Excellence Center. At the same time, Day Africa colleagues learned from our colleagues about how Inkululeko runs its after school tutoring program for students.

Business proposal plans
Earlier this year, we held a business training program for parents of Inkululeko learners. Here are two business plans submitted by parents who attended the training.
Christabella Musiya
“I had dreams of pursuing a course in hair and beauty therapy but failed to join college due to lack of school fees. I thought my dreams were shattered until I heard about DAY AFRICA. Having gone through their curriculum, I am confident that my future will be so bright.”
Dolphine Kahombi
“DAY AFRICA has really helped me. After going through their training ,they linked me to an organization called Digital Data Divide where I am being trained to work as a data clerk. Without them, I would still be among the many jobless youths in my area.”
Lusweti Emmanuel
“I am grateful to DAY AFRICA for changing my life. Through the training and mentorship from their facilitators, my perception about life has really changed. My self-confidence and emotional intelligence have improved. My boss also noted a positive change in my behaviour at work and this encouraged him to give me a salary increment.”
Agnes Akinyi
“As a young mother, I was just idling at home while struggling to make ends meet for my family. I have dreams of becoming a poultry farmer but did not know where to start from. DAY AFRICA has changed my attitude and approach towards life. I now know that I can start small but still achieve my dreams if I am determined. I am hopeful that doors will open for me once I finish the computer lessons. I encourage the youth to come and join DAY AFRICA.”
Meet Namayi!
Namayi works for DAY Africa in Nairobi, Kenya. She traveled to Makhanda, South Africa to work with Inkululeko for three months to learn more about our academic space and business skills programs.
Emily works for DAY Africa in Nairobi, Kenya. She traveled to Makhanda, South Africa to work with Inkululeko for three months to learn more about our academic space and business skills programs.
Meet Xolisa!
He worked for Norec in Kenya where he learned about the many strategies that come with beginning a new business. He hopes to create entrepreneurship classes for our learners and community to better introduce business ideas and further the growth of Inkululeko.
Meet Viwe!
She is an entrepreneur who worked with Day Africa in Nairobi, Kenya. She is excited to implement what she has learned into Inkululeko’s community. For instance, increasing opportunities students have to help train them for employment.
Want to know more about Xolisa and Viwe stories? Read More →
To learn more about Norec, please visit their website